The X-Files: Fight the Future Action Figures in the 1998 McFarlane Toys Catalog
McFarlane’s 1998 catalog is a work of art, with every two-page spread perfectly designed and loaded with amazing graphics and toy photography. If you’ve not seen the 22-page catalog and have any interest at all in McFarlane Toys then you need to track one of these down. Trust me, the catalog is a perfect snapshot of McFarlane’s toywork and Spawn action figures from that era. This was when McFarlane was rewriting the action figure scene, forcing much larger toymakers to follow in his company’s footsteps as they changed action figures forever.
The above two-page spread is just two of six pages dedicated to the X-Files action figures in the catalog. This was published before the movie released to theaters, so there was a sense of excitement surrounding this at the time. We cannot blame the film’s disappointing storyline on the toys, so we’ll instead just stare at these two pages in awe and remember the X-Files series as it was before the summer of 1998.