“This guy’s insane.”
This ad from 2008 showcases the Transformers Universe Galvatron* toy — which may very well be the worst of Hasbro’s modern Transformers toys that I’ve ever bought. Galvatron is around here somewhere — in pieces — and I couldn’t even find him without seriously searching various cabinets, drawers, and closets. I transformed the toy once, kinda, but never quite finished since it kept falling apart as I moved it.

And it’s too bad, because the design looked as if it was fun and I was hoping the toy would be a great addition to the Transformers Universe series (Amazon.com search*). Unfortunately, the reality was far, far distant from the fantasy shown in this ad from Hasbro.
Related articles
- Unofficial Transformers Galvatron Pics at TFormers (battlegrip.com)
- Transformers Universe MMO: Game Modes (seibertron.com)
- Transformers Custom Kreon Predaking, Galvatron, Jazz, Cliffjumper, Dreadwing, Hound Official Images (TFormers.com)
Keep these ad posts coming! It’s fun to remember where we were five years ago.
This ad in particular was neat because it pays homage to Pawtucket, Rhode Island where Hasbro’s HQ is located (as if you didn’t know that). I navigate I95 quite frequently, so that was especially cool.
Galvatron was and is a hunk’o’garbage. I don’t think any of the figures have been as good since the original “Classics” with Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Mirage, Jetfire, etc. The Universe and Generations lines have had some great entries, but there have also been some major duds. Galvatron of course being Major Dud. There have been a handful of others I haven’t been thrilled with either, but there have been others which have bucked the trend.
This is as much of a response to your post regarding the simplification of the new Transformers movie toys as it is today’s post about the amazing self-disintegrating Gavatron, but the last few years of intermittent toy collecting has taught me to never be an early Transformers buyer. And I only buy Transformers after I’ve seen at least one video where someone is transforming the thing!
Now, that said, there’s been some product available at retail that’s been pretty good–the Landmine figure from T2, animated Grimlock, or the Opimus Prime from the Fall of Cybertron line are figures I like very much. Even with the successes there are downsides–Grimlock has a dino-mode heart-cavity issue and the Prime could have had a better designed set of fold-away bumpers–mileage being variable and all that–but I think caution is really called for if you think about buying a Transformer!