“This motley crew from once upon a time” in 1983

I went into the Google newspaper archives in search of stories about Carmine Infantino’s work on Marvel’s Star Wars comics and came across this 1983 New Straits Times newspaper article written by Daniel Chan. Infantino gets a mention, but the bulk of the article is spent setting up the tale of how Marvel had free reign to generate stories set between 1977 and 1980 but then had to work within the restrictions formed by Empire as they waited for Jedi. Fantastic fun read, and Chan even gives a quick summary of those issues set on the planet Stenos.

Reading this old newspaper article kinda makes me miss those early years of the Star Wars universe. Marvel’s comics, the original Han Solo trilogy*, and Splinter of the Mind’s Eye* were all amazing reads from a time before Lucasfilm started plotting and tracking every movement within the Star Wars universe. I miss the freedom and sense of wonder of those older days, but that’s probably just age talking. Ignore me.

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