Three More Hours Until GodBeast Glyos

As I said this morning, tonight’s the night to get TheGodBeast’s awesome Glyos System heads. These three cool heads, cast of resin, are limited to a run of 21 sets of three.

And now, Matt Doughty (of Onell Design) has posted photos of his Glyos + GodBeast head creations over at the Glyos Transmission Web Log.

Glyos fans, you wanna hit this page for info on ordering the new heads.

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log.
Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log.

3 thoughts on “Three More Hours Until GodBeast Glyos

  1. That’s great news! It took about twice as long as I expected it to, but I’m happy to hear that you sold them all so fast.

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