Titan Hero Series 12-Inch Wolverine Action Figure in Stores!

I completely missed this figure was even being made! Matt Doughty (Onell Design) sent over the photo below to let me know that the Titan Hero Wolverine* is now in stores. After loving both of the two Titan Hero action figures I’ve already bought — Iron Man review here, Spider-Man review here — there’s no way I’m skipping this Wolverine. Come on, Hasbro, and bring us a Captain America in this size!

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6 thoughts on “Titan Hero Series 12-Inch Wolverine Action Figure in Stores!

  1. Entertainment Earth will have Cap and Hulk in Titan Heroes up pretty shortly, I’m told. Maybe even tonight. It could happen.

  2. @Adam – Awesome news! Thanks. I did locate this Wolverine at a TRU in Mass. before leaving the area; I should rip him open this weekend.

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