Tomb of Dracula in Affordable Trades

I passed on the Essential Tomb of Dracula* several times because I dislike the colorless reprints. Sure it’s cheap, but if the comic was originally in color then I want the color version of the book.
A few different times I almost grabbed the Tomb of Dracula Omnibus*, but the $100 price tag had me pick the book up and put it down so many times that by the time I made a decision it was gone. Sure, I could grab it at inflated prices, but if $100 had me hesitating then imagine what $150, $200, or even more was doing to me.
And then yesterday, like Golidlocks, I found something that was just right. Tomb of Dracula*, in color, and in trade paperback format. Finally, I can grab these old comics in a format that I can happily afford and enjoy. If you need me then I’ll be in the corner reading monster comics from the seventies.
I just hope Marvel finishes the run and doesn’t pull a G.I. Joe on us. (In the early 2000s Marvel started a run of G.I. Joe collections but stopped with volume five. It wasn’t until IDW picked up the rights that the collections managed to climb past issue 50 of the classic G.I. Joe comics.)