Top Reviews in April, 2014

April was a strange month for With my time devastated by some office projects and not much energy to devote to the site there was a decline in posts, but I did manage to run a fun week for the Four Horsemen’s Power Lords and Outer Space Men toy lines (see the week index for all of the posts).

The month of May might be a little better . . . but not much. I’ve got another business trip coming up soon, a short vacation, and a big push at the office to get the last of the 2014 games off to the printer. I’ll do what I can to keep the posts and reviews flowing, but there’s also the final pages of Transforming Expectations to wrap up so we have to wait and see just how much time the site gets from me this month.

Anyway, last month’s most popular new reviews were:

So we get four reviews from that special week of Four Horsemen toys and two G.I. Joe action figure reviews as the more popular new reviews of April, which actually doesn’t shock me all that much.

Check back throughout May to see what’s next!

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