Top Reviews in May, 2011

May sure didn’t last all that long, did it? It feels like just yesterday that the month was starting and I had dreams of actually being productive. But instead of being productive it looks like the month got away from me and in the end I accomplished a lot less than I wanted to.

But we did get a number of new reviews at during May, even if most of them did pop up on the site in the early part of the month.

How will June go? Probably not all that great for reviews, because I’ve got a busy month at work and two trips: Next week is Howard Days, a celebration of Conan creator Robert E. Howard, and then the end of the month Gina and I are headed to Cancun for our summer vacation.

But I’ll try to be sure we get at least a half-dozen reviews in June, because it would be lame to not even have enough reviews to fill the six slots over there on the right.

And for a little more fun here are the top reviews in May, 2010: