Topps’ Monster Initials Stickers from 1973
Recent email from Centipede Press shared the old Topps Monster Initials Stickers from the seventies, making me wonder just what went wrong with America when this exact sort of thing isn’t in stores every single Halloween. Check the stickers at, and then tell me this shouldn’t be out there for kids every single year.

And what we really need is a book along the lines of the Mars Attacks* and Garbage Pail Kids* books, except devoted to the odd trading card lines from Topps that never went big. You know, like the Weird Wheels stickers I reviewed almost five years ago. I’d buy such a book today!

Right! I wish Abrams would do more of those Topps books for those sets. If nothing else further vintage GPK books. And Dinosaurs Attack….
If nothing else I’d love just a book of the Wax Wrappers from te 60s-80s…