“Topps Starts Bubble Drive”

The Google archives go way, way back. This Billboard article comes from May 8, 1948 and shows us just what a different time it was. I have to wonder if issuing a press release today saying “we’re running ads!” would get a mention in any news source. Probably not.

And just check out the language in this press release! Yes, it was a very different time.

NEW YORK, May 1–Topps Chewing Gum, Inc., has announced that it is promoting bubble gum via comic book advertisements, radio plugs and through Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus. Latter promotion consists of a circus clown blowing, during each performance, a “seven-foot bubble” on which the word Bazooka is painted. Circus is said to have adopted the gum as the “official bubble gum of the Greatest Show on Earth.”

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