Toy Photos and the iPhone 8 Plus

It was phone update time over the weekend, and yesterday I snapped a few pictures of vintage Kenner Star Wars action figures so that I could get a feel for the phone’s camera. I’ve read a lot about how the new camera is a dramatic step up from the camera on the iPhone 6 Plus, so there was no way I wasn’t going to test it out.

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All of these shots were with the raw camera app on the phone, with the images then transferred to the iMac (using AirDrop, which I love and use constantly) where I edited the photos in Photoshop. I’ve gotta say that yes, the results are good. Maybe even great. And this is before I snap the phone into the iOgrapher case* and use a proper lens.

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I’m not yet ready to replace the trusty Sony Cybershot — which I have been using since I launched the site over nine years ago — though I may use the phone camera far more often than I once did.

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