Toy Pizza Episode 2 Focuses on Robocop Action Figures

The Toy Pizza series on YouTube is very new and the latest episode, shown below, jumps into the Robocop fun by sharing with us Kenner, Jada, and NECA Robocop action figures through the years. The episode also touches on a few other things, but it’s those Robocop toys that launch the under-five minute show and deserve your attention.

Check it out! This just drives home the point that I am not getting the web and really am growing out of touch as more and more computers are used as radios and televisions. Maybe it’s time I really get serious and go back to that earlier idea of launching a podcast with Poe (as I suggested here).

But my own efforts and ideas are for later. For now, watch the Toy Pizza episode, above, and then see the Toy Pizza series on YouTube to find out what comes next.

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