ToyWorld Astrotrain Pics at TFW2005

ToyWorld’s not-Astrotrain, named Devilstar, looks like it will be released very soon . . . at least, the new pics posted at TFW2005 make the toy look like it’s basically completed and ready to ship. Looks great to me, but there are a number of people unhappy with the toy because of the colors that ToyWorld selected. When it comes to Astrotrain there’s probably no way that everyone will love the color scheme . . . the toy has had too many looks over the years for their to be one true appearance.

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The above image shows Devilstar (right) as well as three different versions of the official Astrotrain character design. I personally believe that what ToyWorld has designed makes an excellent homage to Astrotrain and I’ll happily support their efforts in hopes of getting a Blitzwing.

Oh, and I wouldn’t reject a Flywheels or Battletrap while the company is making wishes come true.

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