Tracking Down the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine
Yesterday’s ad from 1993 for the Star Wars Galaxy trading cards (posted here) soon had me searching the web for the other Topps Star Wars creation of the mid-nineties: Star Wars Galaxy Magazine — according to the Star Wars Wikia entry — ran for 13 issues from the fall of 1994 to the fall of 1997. I remember buying a few of the magazines at the time, but in reviewing the content listings for each issue on the Wikia pages I decided I just had to chase down the entire run.

Surprisingly, chasing down all 13 issues proved to be a lot easier than I was expecting, and even cheaper than I was hoping. In the end I spent roughly $30 (including shipping) for all 13 magazines. Now I have to wait for the mail system to do its thing and for the magazines to arrive. Reading through these is going to be like finding a time machine to an era before the Star Wars prequel movies changed everything. Should be fun!
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Nice! I’m pretty sure I still have some issues at my parents’ house in my old desk. Now I want to track them down!
LOVED that magazine. I still think it was better than the current one. Can’t recall which issue number, but the one with Luke in Tatooine threads has a fantastic article on the Kenner toys that never got made post-ROTJ. Fun stuff!
Sorry, missed a line there–meant to say that Luke was on the COVER. Looks like it was issue #2:
Ooo, I’m not familiar with this magazine. I’d really appreciate a short look at them when you get them.
A few years ago I hunted down 95% of the Star Wars Insider magazines, and I still kind of want to complete that entire run (up to when they changed companies in 2008 or whenever and they became not very great).
So this seems like something I would also be interested in picking up.
@Paul – I hope the magazines are a fun find for you!
@ryanlb – There was also “Star Wars Galaxy Collector” which followed this one. But I’ve never seen the Collector magazine.
@Jay – I’m really looking forward to that Kenner article. I barely remember it.
You sir are in for a treat. SWGM is like the best thing for Star Wars of that era, I remember wishing that the Insider was much more like it. Star Wars Galaxy Collector isn’t bad – I actually got to write for that one.