‘Transformers’ A Poorly Made, Confusing Toy Ad

I wouldn’t be shocked at all if you immediately thought this was going to be about the 2007 Michael Bay Transformers movie. Unfortunately, what we have here is an August 13, 1986 review of the classic Transformers: The Movie* film that was released in theaters in 1986.

Written by Nanciann Cherry of the Toledo Blade, the review immediately begins tearing down the film and ridicules every single part of the movie. The opening paragraph of the review proclaims that:

“The film is so poorly made and hard to watch, it may turn youngsters off the toys forever.”

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Cherry provides a rough summary of the movie, eventually delving into a list of things wrong with the film and where it has “stolen from other sources.” Wow, harsh words and beyond that Cherry even jabs at the film’s soundtrack. Well, there’s only one proper response to her description of the music:

“A rock soundtrack that makes no sense and reverberates through the theater . . . “

Enjoy Stan Bush and “The Touch” as you click through to read the full review.

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