Transformers Botcon Haul, Day One
Here’s a shot of what I grabbed at Botcon yesterday. From the official exclusives to unofficial toys, as well as some older stuff, there’s some of everything at the convention and moving from dealer to dealer takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. I know I’ll be grabbing more when I am at the convention today, but I figured that some of you would enjoy pics of what I bought so far.

Damn that’s some good stuff, wish there was a way to buy bottom exclusives for the same price they sell there.
Damn looks like you had fun!
Strangely, I’m most envious of the Killer Fish Beastformer. And now I’m even more itchy for the Sea Death Heart Deck…
Here’s crossing my fingers for reviews of this stuff!
@Talyn – What was disgusting was the official paperwork said “limit 1” on all of the new exclusives BUT the salesman told me I could buy two of each. And then the guy next to me asked if he could go through the line again and was told he didn’t have to. Basically, it was “no real limit, buy as much as you like.” Now I know why these are so expensive on eBay.
@Er0k26 – Fun, yes, but I still don’t know if the show was worth the cost. I know for sure that if I had to pay for a flight I would pass.
@Black Zarak – I know I spent more than I should have on that Beastformer. But you know what? He was just too neat for me to pass on.
One booth had dozens of these boxed. If their price had been about half what it was I would have bought ten or so.
@Joe Blo – I might get a review or two posted before I leave for Hong Kong.
hate you…
But seriously, I agree on the flight costs. I drove up to the 2007 one when it was in Providence, RI. There hasn’t been a close one since.
Oh I feel you on that Phil, I would drop a lot of hypothetical money I don’t have on as many Japanese Boxed Beastformers as I could find.