Transformers Club Warehouse Sale

The sales just won’t stop flooding my mailbox, and now we’ve got a Transformers Club Warehouse Sale tempting me with goodies. Fortunately, nothing on the sale list is another Cyclonus (review here, Strafe colorway review here) or “Seeker” (Dirge review here, Thrust review here) so I can safely avoid the sale. But it would be wrong if I didn’t share with you guys.
Here are just a few of the items on sale:
10-19-10Warehouse Sale-2007 Club Exclusive Astrotrain (1 pc) $49 + shipping
06-16-09Warehouse Sale-2009 BotCon Souvenir Razorclaw & Elita-1 (BotCon Anniv. Pack) 1 pc $59 + shipping
11-24-10Warehouse Sale-2009 BotCon Wings of Honor Convention Boxed Set (1 pc) $295 + shipping
11-25-10Warehouse Sale-2010 BotCon Generation 2: Redux Convention Boxed Set (1 pc) $305 + shipping
11-26-10Warehouse Sale-2010 BotCon Loose Set Generation 2- Redux (1 pc) $210 + shipping
83971 94038Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Autobot Tuner Mudflap (1 pc) $4 + shipping
83971 92466Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Mudflap (1 pc)reduced to $4 + shipping
83971 92358Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Ravage (1 pc)reduced to $4 + shipping
83971000E/M (94039)Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Wv1 10 Alliance Bumblebee (1 pc)reduced to $4 + shipping
83971000E (94040)Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Deluxe Wv1 10 Decepticon Dirge (1 pc)reduced to $4 + shipping
83972000F(94292,94293)Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager (Mindwipe, Defender Optimus Prime) 2 pcs $28 + shipping
83972 92802Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager Desert Tracker Ratchet (1 pc) $14.00 + shipping
83972 89882Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager Ironhide (1 pc) $14 + shipping
83972 9146Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager Megatron (1 pc) $14 + shipping
83972 89165Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager Optimus Prime (1 pc) $14 + shipping
83972 91466Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager Stratosphere (1 pc) $14.00 + shipping
83972 89881Warehouse Sale-Transformers Movie 2 Voyager The Fallen (1 pc) $14 + shipping
It’s nice to get a crack at the Botcon boxes, but again, can’t afford it.
Unfortunately the sought-after Double Punch, Scorch and SG Ravage came and went before the emails went out.
Skyfall, Topspin, the 2006 and 2008 sets too. It’s not Mattycollector bad, but still.