Transformers Cyberverse Ark Photos
Rather than write a formal review for this Transformers Cyberverse Ark* I’ve settled on just snapping photos of the toy in spaceship and space station modes. You can see all of the photos I shot in this set at Flickr. For my thoughts on the toy read on.

Missing Missiles and a Lame Robot
UPDATE: Thanks to Twitter I found the missing missiles. They are very carefully hidden behind cardboard and plastic so search every scrap of space in the box or you may make the same mistake I did. And they’re clear, in a clear bag, so it’s really that much tougher to spot them.
First, the bad. My Cyberverse Ark was completely missing the missiles. I’ll have to try to contact Hasbro for the missiles, but it’s frustrating that these two missiles were missing. I’ve poked through the packaging a few times now and there’s no sign of the missiles.
Roller, the included Transformers toy, is so lame that I didn’t even bother snapping photos. That’s unfair to everyone who actually likes the robot, but it just felt cheap to me and I’m not at all a fan of the robot mode or vehicle mode. You can see the robot in this post at Seibertron if you want. I’m gonna shove him in a box.

A Cool Playset
Fortunately, the Ark itself is a neat toy. The spaceship mode looks great and is pretty big, and that opening cockpit is scaled perfectly for anyone who wants to use the ship with their Glyos System (Onell Design) action figures. And as you can see in the photos here and in the Flickr set the figures look even better with the toy when it’s in space station mode.

While the lack of missiles and Roller may kinda suck, the Ark itself is fantastic. It’s got a cell, a cannon, a ramp, a maintenance bay the elevates a little, a platform up high, and even some odd thingie I can’t explain.
When I first got a look at the Transformers Cyberverse Ark* at Toy Fair (post here) I thought it would be worth a look, and now that I’ve got it I’m gonna say that any Transformers fan with a collection of mini-bots should grab this playset to give the robots a home.

And if you’re a Glyos System fan then you’re not gonna want to miss this one. I’ve now got my Ark set up with over a dozen Glyos System action figures and they look right at home.
There aren’t enough playsets out there these days, so it’s really exciting when one this fun comes along. Great job, Hasbro, but please send me my missiles.
See the Transformers Cyberverse Ark photo set at Flickr.
You can pull the missile launchers and the gray missile pod looking things out too and reposition them anywhere that has the proper hole size for them.
Damn it, Phil – I didn’t want to get this. Well, I wanted to get this…but now I’m going to have to.
Make sure Hasbro sends you a royalty check.
Also, KREO are BOG1 50% off at TRU this week – I’ll probably finish the collection with the sale.
@DoctorKent – Just doing my part to help you find cool playsets! And man, those damned Kreo toys are gonna kill me. Now I wanna get to TRU.