Transformers Fans, Vote to Create a New Character!

2014 is the 30th anniversary of the Transformers release and to celebrate Hasbro has opened fan voting for the creation of a new character. As part of next year’s “Thrilling 30” line, this new character will be a toy and is set to appear in comics (I assume the IDW series). I’ve voted — Decepticon, spaceship, blaster cannon, red and black, and sneaky — but now it’s your time to get over there and vote.

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2 thoughts on “Transformers Fans, Vote to Create a New Character!

  1. I love it and I totally voted. I’m “disappointed” that I couldn’t select two of my favorite features, Dual Wielding and Weapons Storage. Other than that, I’m really excited to see the different phases of production (assuming they show it on the site somewhere).

  2. @Paul – It would be sad if they didn’t share every step once voting ends. I want to see conceptual art, the toy design process, writer brainstorming sessions . . . everything!

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