Transformers Jumpstarter-Like Robot Toy on eBay

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Thanks to the help of reader Jay of Exonauts I’m able to share this one with you guys. An obvious rework of the Transformers Jumpstarter Topspin toy from 1985, this eBay auction for a “1984 Plastic Construction FRICTION Robot fighter “ has a “Buy It Now” price of $11.22 and is very likely every bit as cheaply made as it looks. But that doesn’t stop it from looking cool and from being a good find for someone who collects bootleg and obscure transforming robot toys.

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3 thoughts on “Transformers Jumpstarter-Like Robot Toy on eBay

  1. I think I have a box for this…they made it over multiple DECADES, I believe, as I got mine in the last…five years.
    I’ll send over pics.

  2. Hey glad it made the blog! Head looks like it could be Topspin’s twin, but with a pointed nose instead of the forked fuselage (which I always kinda liked actually). The wing guns are a nice touch too.

    For a bootleg, it’s pretty cool!

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