Transformers Junkion Add-Ons from Maiden Japan
I do not know how I managed to miss this TFW2005 thread from February of 2011. Toy customizer Maiden Japan has been creating Junkion upgrade kits for the Transformers Generations Junkheap* and Transformers Reveal the Shield Wreckgar* toys that give them new heads, chests, and more. Stunning work!

And now TFW2005 reports that these upgrades will be mass-produced by a third party Transformers manufacturer. Awesome! I expect we’ll soon see after market prices on Wreckgar and Junkheap start to climb as people grab toys and kits to build their own Junkion armies.
Makes me wish I had the time and resources to develop my own idea for a Junkion upgrade kit. I suppose one of these days I’ll take a two week vacation and just complete at least one personal project in my collection of ideas.
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Third party has really kept the Transformers line going. Don’t get me wrong, the big company has deffinatly made huge gains with their Generations line, but on the whole alot of the Transformers out there are pretty lackluster.
@Court – I’m hoping they’ll offer the parts in purple to use with the BotCon Junkion set. And yeah, the unofficial toys are really adding some excitement to the entire series.
I love the look of these sets. Makes me really glad I picked up a couple extra Junkions.
I didn’t see it mentioned on here (or anywhere for that matter), but did you see that FansProject’s Steelcore has already come and gone from their fransprojectcore website? I had a buddy tell me on the phone the other day. Supposed to be another run maybe, but still, what a bummer it didn’t get better advertised! Looks like a really swell figure!
@wesitron – I had totally missed that Steelcore was released. Maybe it was a super low run to test the molds?
From the looks of it, I think it was left over from the con. For some reason the number 800 is sticking out to me, but that seems awfully low for such an inexpensive (relatively, of course) figure with so much going on.
Either way, when that guy pops back up I’m definitely going for him. Vangelus and Peaugh have reviews up, with Vangelus’ being especially good in getting me excited for a broader release.