Transformers Rescue Bots and Playskool History
I’ve posted about the Transformers Rescue Bots series* a few times now, but little did I suspect that those posts would lead to Matt Doughty (Onell Design) pulling out an army of cute transforming robot toys when I visited his house last week.

Here we see Optimus Prime with a lot of toys from the various Playskool transforming robot toys that were released almost a decade ago. Fantastic, and Matt even pointed me at which is certain to make me wish I had paid more attention to these when they were first released.
Enjoy the photos, and then take a look at the Rescue Bots reviews I’ve already posted. Once you’ve done that prepare yourself; Matt has sent me more photos and info on the older toys and I promise to get another post online as soon as I can.
- Transformers Rescue Bots Optimus Prime
- Transformers Rescue Bots Heatwave
- Transformers Rescue Bots Cody Burns & Rescue Hose
- Transformers Rescue Bots Chief Charlie Burns & Rescue Cutter

Hasbro did a great job with this new toy line. I really like how simplistic the transforming is. One of the things I hated as a child was how hard it was to “transform” Transformers. It took them 2 seconds to transform in the cartoon but it took me 10 minutes to go from vehicle to robot.
@Aaron – I agree. At first I wasn’t so sure about this series, but after buying a few of them I’ve started encouraging everyone out there to try at least one of the toys. And parents should totally be buying these as Christmas presents!