Transformers Tailpipe and Pinpointer and Generations at Target
I stopped at Target to look for Transformers toys with the coupon to get a Transformers Kreon (see TFW2005) and while I didn’t see a coupon I did some some cool Transformers toys.

Tailpipe and Pinpointer looks awfully tempting. A Targetmaster-style cycle and cannon, with a human pilot, I may buy this one of these days even though this review at OAFE isn’t exactly gushing. Still, I like the concept and Pinpointer especially looks like fun.

And there were even Transformers Generations toys pretty deeply stocked, with the later waves well represented and ready for everyone to grab what they need. It looks like there was no need for me to order these online earlier this year, but I guess it’s better I got them then than to take the risk that they wouldn’t be easy to find now.

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Tailpipe and Pinpointer are TOTALLY worth it. The human figure, as usual in this line, is rubbish but you don’t even need him. Tailpipe while having an unfortunate name, has a lot of articulation as a robot and looks a decent motorcycle as well as turning into a big, silly saw wheel weapon for larger figures and Pinpointer is not only robot and weapon, but can change weapon mode to fit either on Tailpipe’s bike mode or in his fist (duh.) Not a huge deal, but nice that they made it that way. Also, I’m pretty sure these two were originally meant to be Decepticons; Pinpointer has a mean, animalistic face and Tailpipe has clawed feet and serrated teeth! Not a common trait in those friendly Autobots.
@Black Zarak – Thanks for the quick reviewish comment on the toy. That’s just making me want this — and maybe a couple of others from this series — even more. But it’s gonna have to wait a week or two before I grab any of these; I grabbed the Cyberverse Ark last night and that’s gonna be my big Transformers buy for the next few weeks.
Haha, the Ark is fun, I’m really liking the Cyberverse playsets so far, they have a definite Micromaster feel to them.
@Black Zarak – I think that next I should grab that Cyberverse Shockwave set.