Transformers Targetroids Coming Soon
More unofficial Transformers toys are incoming, this time Targetmaster-like versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron that are named Opticmax and Megazoom. The photos look great, so I may just have to pre-order this set over at TFSource because there’s something about the idea of Optimus Prime holding Opticmax while surrounded by smaller Optimus Prime toys that just sounds like it would be fun.

But if Optimus Prime and Megatron aren’t your thing then maybe this Hot Flame vs. Screamer set would make you happier. But regardless of which character two-pack interests you more, I really like the idea of translating classic Transformers designs into Targetmasters and I hope the quality is there.
From what I’ve seen so far, TFC is definitely the company to be watching this year. Well heck, all of the 3rd party manufacturers are really looking great this year. TFC huge freakin Devastator, Perfect Effect tapes and Reflector, all the new pieces recently revealed by FansProject, not to mention Venksta’s little here and there addons and the HeadRobots addons. This year is going to be awesome if Hasbro doesn’t sue the hell out of everybody 🙂
@Wes – “This year is going to be awesome if Hasbro doesn’t sue the hell out of everybody”
As soon as Hasbro starts cracking down on these guys it’s gonna really shake things up. I’m still shocked by just how many unofficial figures and accessories are out there.