Transforming Collections Page Spread Test
I’ve started toying with some ideas for the Transforming Collections interior design (Kickstarter project page), and my first attempt is maybe a little too open and empty. I want to show the toys on clean white backgrounds, but I think I need to go back and take a second look at my goals and spice this up just a tad.
Anyway, I thought everyone might enjoy a peek at concepts as I work on them so here’s one possible look for the book. (This is a two-page spread, so Justin Gammon’s Shafter sketch on the left side of your screen would be one of the two pages shown here.)

Related articles
- Illustrating iGear’s Shafter (
- Transforming Collections Update (
- Transforming Collections Interview at Poe Ghostal and New Bonus (
I like it!
Thanks, guys!
I REALLY like the right side, I would like to see the vehicle mode as well. And the backs of both modes (something often neglected).
The idea for a huge Illustration of the character is tempting in a poster-ish sort of way, but I personally could do with a smaller illustration and more photos of the figure itself.
We’ve talked about my unique collecting interests, so take it as you will.
Just my 2 cents since you (didn’t) ask…
Hmm……you may be right about too much blank space.
Perhaps a border of some sort?
@Neal – The plan is there will only be four spreads with illustrations in the book. So most of the book will be lots of photos.
Cool, that makes me want the big illustrations then! Looking forward to this!
I’m hoping Justin Gammon’s Shafter sketch is just that – a sketch. It just looks too rough (like a 2-min Photoshop using a tablet) to be in a finished book. :/
In the realm of fan artists (read: cheap), Dan does some amazing work. I’ve met him a few times at conventions during the past year, and he did the best Optimus Prime in my ‘Book of Primes’:
His portfolio is here:
When it comes to interior art based on TF toys, this is the caliber of art I think of. If it’s any indication by how often his prints sell-out at conventions by the 2nd day – I’d think others agree. 🙂
@Blayne – That’s a very early rough. You can see an example of Justin’s work, and link to his site, in this project update:
@Philip Reed – thanks for the clarification. The way you phrased your post, it was the layout that was in-progress, not including the artwork. 🙂
@Blayne – No problem. Everything on that sample is basically a rough concept; I may not even use those exact photos.