Transforming Collections: Shipping Update and Book Two

I think I’m at about half of the books shipped out . . . and many more to go! I’m signing and packing and shipping as fast as I can, but at this point the process halts until next Thursday. It has been great to start getting messages on Twitter, at TFW2005, and on the Kickstarter page as people receive their books. So far the responses have been quite favorable; the professional quality of the print job really helps make my work look good.

And since more questions about a sequel are coming in I thought I’d take a moment to talk about my thoughts for book two. The current title I’ve got in mind if Transforming Expectations, but I have had several people suggest I just go with Transforming Collections 2 so I’m open to hearing thoughts on the title. Nothing is set in stone. And a few other points about the sequel:

  • Kickstarter Goal:The previous book started as an idea and exploded into the hardcover it is today. The sequel MUST be the exact same size and format as the first book, so after reviewing costs (especially shipping) I’m looking at a goal of $7,500 or $10,000. That’s more than the first book brought in, but I’m hoping enough people appreciate the first book that they’re willing to spread the word and help the second book succeed.
  • Contents: Interior design will follow the first book, with lots of pics of unofficial Transformers toys. I’d kinda like to wait until the unofficial Aerialbots and Stunticonsare both released so I can fit all of those in, but there will be way more than just those toys inside.
  • Book One:At this point I’m thinking I’ll hold remaining copies of the first volume to offer in the next Kickstarter project. That way there can be a reward level that includes both books.
  • Timing: When will the next book appear on Kickstarer? I’m looking at the project running in October with a June of 2014 delivery date. I won’t make the same mistake I did last time and not allocate enough time for the process.

So that’s my thinking for now. If you’ve got any ideas or suggestions for book two please drop a comment and let me know!

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3 thoughts on “Transforming Collections: Shipping Update and Book Two

  1. If volume 1 is any indication, volume 2 will be amazing! I, for one, will absolutely be on board for the sequel.

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