Transforming Collections Update and Donation Button

Some major movement on my Transforming Collections project at Kickstarter as supporters keep giving me feedback on the book. The most dramatic change is an expansion: the book has been bumped (for the last time!) to 80-pages and now includes even more third party Transformers toys!

The suggestion has come up that I take donations to help fund the increased size of the book . . . so here’s a button! If you’re a supporter (or have pre-ordered since the Kickstarter project closed) and want to donate then awesome! Thank you. But no matter what you’re getting your book.

Visit Kickstarter!

If you have not yet pre-ordered a copy of the book then you can click the below button. The pre-order price is $24.95 plus shipping. There will be a small number of books available once the printing is over, but at that point the finished hardcover will cost $29.95 or $34.95 (I’m still running the numbers and making a decision). So if you’re a fan of third party Transformers toys and accessories, and want the book, then pre-ordering is your cheapest option.

Thanks for supporting the project!

UPDATE: The book has shipped and pre-orders are closed.

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6 thoughts on “Transforming Collections Update and Donation Button

  1. Ha, I saw all the credit card things and I did not think it was Paypal. I will crawl back into my hole now.

  2. @Marv – No problem at all. I can now see where those default buttons from Paypal don’t even say Paypal. Seems like a mistake on their part to me.

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