Transforming Expectations Launches this Week!

My new book project, Transforming Expectations, has been submitted to Kickstarter and should launch later this week. The book, a sequel to Transforming Collections*, is dedicated to the third party Transformers toys and accessories scene and is planned as an 80-page hardcover. Over in a Transforming Collections Kickstarter update I asked the backers if I should set stretch goals to add pages beyond 80; the answer sounds like a “yes” from those who responded.

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The new Kickstarter project will offer the new book for $25 (US), offer two of the book for $45 (US), and even has a reward level where you can get both Transforming Collections and Transforming Expectations for $60 (US) . . . for anyone who missed the first Kickstarter project and wants both books. But that last option is limited so anyone who wants to grab both books is encouraged to keep an eye on the site and jump in once the project launches.

I’ve no idea how things will play out this time around. I’ve set a much higher goal — $7,500 — so that I can more realistically cover the costs behind the hardcover. Will enough people want a book that this succeeds? I guess we’ll know in late October when the new project closes.