Truly Terrible BBQ in San Diego

Last night I left the convention center about half an hour before the end of the show. Yesterday was my last day at San Diego Comic Con and I was ready to get back to the hotel and pack. But while riding the over-packed trolley back to the hotel we stopped at Seaport Village next to Kansas City Barbeque (website) so i decided to hop off and have dinner.

Worst decision of the convention.

From the trolley-side of the restaurant all I knew was that they had images of flying pigs on the wall. But once I got around to the front I discovered that this spot was proud to have been part of the Tom Cruise film, Top Gun, way back in the dark ages. They sure as hell had enough signs up to let us know and their website has a section all about it.

Looking over the menu I settled on the pulled pork sandwich and potato salad. I’m a fan of great potato salad and rarely find a pulled pork sandwich I don’t like so I figured these were good choices. But I was horribly, horribly wrong because the meat smelled burnt and I wish it was flavorless. But instead it was almost stringy and had a twisted aftertaste to it that makes me think the Jones Soda crew had something to do with manufacturing an artificial tasting pulled pork sandwich that didn’t succeed. And the potato salad was bland.

All in all a terrible barbeque experience and one I would not recommend to anyone. San Diego Comic Con attendees, if you need BBQ skip this place. The food is awful and you’d be better off with a convention hot dog than you would be eating this garbage.

If you really love eating barbeque, you can try grilling your own BBQ, visit a place like the BBQ Store Edmonton to purchase all the things you need.