TSR 1990 Catalog and the Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game
I shared the Buck Rogers XXVc roleplaying game catalog pages from 1991 and 1992 last year. There’s little as fun as looking back at old trade industry catalogs for a look at what manufacturers intended to produce and then checking plans vs reality, and today we continue our look at the TSR Buck Rogers XXVc roleplaying game with the catalog pages from the 1990 product catalog.

One great thing about trade catalogs is that covers are often rough and incomplete, and we’re well rewarded with cover sketches for the five products shown in the 1990 catalog. The final Buck Rogers XXVc roleplaying game box set looks nothing like the image in the catalog (see the poster for the final art), but at least the covers to the first four supplements are very close to the finished artwork.

I’ve been collecting ads and marketing material for the Buck Rogers XXVc roleplaying game and sharing them here. If you know of any marketing materials I may have missed please let me know!
Related articles
- “Step into the World of Tomorrow” with TSR’s Buck Rogers Novels (battlegrip.com)
- “Buck Rogers Rocketing into the Future” with the Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
- TSR’s “Buck Rogers XXVc” RPG in the 1992 Catalog (battlegrip.com)
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