TSR and “Buck Rogers is Back!” in 1988
TSR’s Buck Rogers series of novels and games (find at Amazon.com*) still stands out as one of the cooler sci-fi projects of the early nineties. Their approach to updating the classic Buck Rogers story to more seamlessly blend with the speculative technology of that was (at the time) new led to a great setting; if you’ve never read the novels give the first book, Arrival*, a try. The first book is a short story collection that introduces the world and main characters. It’s a hell of a fun read! I just wish it was on Kindle so that I could carry the book with me everywhere.
Anyway, here we see one of the earliest TSR ads for their Buck Rogers license. Promising a game, novels, art book, and graphic novels, we can tell by this ad that the company was serious. And hey, was that art book ever produced? Time to search the web for details!

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- 1991 Dungeons & Dragons Trading Cards (battlegrip.com)
- October, 1988 Buck Rogers Game Ad (battlegrip.com)
- Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday (battlegrip.com)