Unauthorized 12-Inch Scale Bruce Willis Action Figure
Available now for pre-order at Cotswold Collectibles is this City Police action figure. Inspired by Bruce Willis’ look in the Sin City movie, this completely unauthorized toy design really looks incredible. And at $110 it’s actually a pretty good price for what you get . . . a good enough price, in fact, that I’m tempted to order one right now. Hell, I could use this guy on the shelf of 12-inch scale action figures I’m slowly assembling in my office. Click through for more pics.

If you missed out on getting Virtual Toys’ Stone Cold Killer Outfit Set with Head Sculpt (aka Bruce Willis’ Hartigan from the film Sin City), you again have the opportunity to get a similar set (this time with body) titled City Police from Art Figures. This set includes a sculpt (with distinguishing scar on the forehead), powder blue dress shirt, blue striped tie, black leather belt, dark blue slacks, black dress shoes, and dark blue trenchcoat. He is armed with a shoulder holstered revolver (Colt Peacemaker?), but is also armed with a smaller automatic pistol (with removable silencer) and a REALLY big gun that (to me anyway) looks like it should belong to RoboCop, not Hartigan.
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That really big gun is indeed Robocop’s Auto 9. Frank Miller drew Hartigan holding it in one panel of the comic, and Willis uses it in the exact same scene towards the end of the movie.
@RocketPunch – And that’s just awesome nerdery for us all! Thanks, I didn’t know that.