Unofficial Onslaught for Hasbro’s Transformers Generations Combaticons Series
If you’ve collected the official Transformers Generations Combaticons ( search*) then you might find this latest third party Transformers toy worth checking out.

The Military Titans from Microblaze Creations is up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store. The toy’s a completely new transforming Onslaught that can work as a stand-alone robot or used as the central section to the Hasbro Bruticus.
Is anyone else finding it strange how many unofficial Combaticons and Combaticons upgrade kits are out there?
I’m hoping the release a G2 version. This looks way better than the Xtransbot kit.
@3B – I can’t decide which is better. Both are neat approaches to upgrading Bruticus. I think I will like this one better because of the robot.