Unpainted Black Blobpus Blobpi at Lulubell
Lulubell Toys’ “Shooting Blanks” continues with this Blobpus Blobpi vinyl toy. At 4-inches this guy is kinda tiny, but as this search for “blobpi” at toybot studios shows these are cool little toys.
And he’s not alone. There’s more blank toys at Lulubell so take a moment to explore and maybe even order a toy or two to support their Japanese relief effort.
We were in the process of getting our new “Shooting Blanks” program all together when the recent tragedy struck Japan. Our new blank figure pre-order program originally was slated to make it’s debut in April, with made to order blank figures offered at a nice price! Luke has scrambled to get manufacturers committed earlier, so we will start a slightly altered program this week, and during the month of March, we will donate ALL proceeds from this program to IMMEDIATE relief efforts.