Visiting the Dallas Vintage Toy Store

This is the fourth time that I’ve posted something about the Dallas Vintage Toy Store (website), the store being one of those places I try to visit when I’m in Dallas for work. What makes yesterday’s visit special, though, was that I drove to Dallas just to visit the store. You see, Shaun and Alex at the Dallas Vintage Toy Store were kind enough to let me drag toys and my light tent to the store to take some photos for my Transforming Collections book (Kickstarter project) . . . and they even went so far as to help select stock from the store for the comparison shots I was looking to include in the book.

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Toys Everywhere

When you explore the rooms of the store you’ll see toys on every shelf, every table, stacked against walls, and even hanging from the ceiling. Old and new. Opened and still closed. Everything like the big lines — Transformers, Star Wars, and G.I. Joe — to less popular, though no less collectible, toy lines cover the store. And as I chatted with Shaun and Alex it became clear that they’re constantly getting in new toys; I know that each time I have visited something new has caught my eye.

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I shot 34 photos of the store yesterday and added them all to a new Flickr set to give everyone a chance to see how loaded the store is. And for more pics see my earlier posts — 2009 visit, 2011 visit — and browse through the toys. The store is almost as packed with stuff as my favorite toy store in Hong Kong . . . and this one is a lot closer to me!

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Online Sales

And even if you can’t make your way to Dallas to visit the shop you can still check the Dallas Vintage Toy Store site to get a look at just some of the stuff they have available. And if you want something you don’t see I suggest contacting them and asking; trust me, there’s way more in the store than appears on their website.

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I’ll Be Back!

I’m not sure when I’ll be back in Dallas again, but I know that when I am I’ll visit the Dallas Vintage Toy Store and spend far too much time searching the shelves for treasure. This is the coolest toy store within driving distance of me — Austin to Dallas isn’t that far — and I should probably be thankful that the store isn’t any closer; I’d spend way too much cash if visiting the store wasn’t a four hour drive.

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4 thoughts on “Visiting the Dallas Vintage Toy Store

  1. This place looks a lot like Emerald City Comics in St. Pete, FL. I used to live there, and happened to head back a year or so ago, and it was still there. It’s been in business for…fifteen? Eighteen years? More? It’s a very similar place to your pics, tables, racks, hanging on walls, just carded and loose toys EVERYWHERE.

    Sadly, their website doesn’t really give you any idea of the brilliance of this place.

  2. Just got the Transforming Collections email blast – that’s a great idea to shoot some 3rd party bots along with other toy lines. Hopefully it’ll help round out the book, and give readers a better sense of scale for the associated figures when seen in a familiar toy-context.

  3. @Blayne – I shot the new FansProject Chromedome with the original, Hegemon with Megatron, and several other third party toys with classics. (Including that iGear Seaspray recolor in robot and vehicle mode with the GI Joe WHALE.)

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