Visiting the Four Horsemen and Joining the Ravens Kickstarter Project
The Four Horsemen’s Ravens action figure series (revealed here) is planned to hit Kickstarter this summer, and I can now let everyone in on the secret that I’ll be assisting the guys in running this project. After backing a number of Kickstarter projects, working on a project at the office (Ogre Designer’s Edition), and running two Kickstarter projects of my own — Transforming Collections, FlashCity Stories — I’ve developed some experience with the site, and I will be directing my experience to helping make the Ravens project as awesome and successful as possible.

It’s an honor to be a part of the project, and it’s quite surprising that such talented artists would be so very open to my assistance and opinions on how their project should be designed and run. I’ll be visiting the Four Horsemen studio later this month, and with any luck they’ll also give me permission to post some photos from inside where the creative fun takes place.
For now, though, I suggest taking a look at the Ravens announcement for pics of all of the planned action figure designs. And to get the latest news on the Ravens you should keep an eye on the Four Horsemen Facebook page.
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- Help the Four Horsemen with their Upcoming Kickstarter Campaign for ‘The Ravens!’ (
- Another Quick Pic of the Four Horsemen Raven – Kickstarter Coming Soon (
very cool news, Philip! I’m really looking forward to this Kickstarter and am glad to hear that you’re involved now too.
@Ron – Thanks, man! This has been in the works almost two months and it’s one less secret to track now that it’s out there. I’ll hopefully have lots of info after visiting and sitting down with Jim to hammer out the last few project details.
Excellent news! I was a bit worried that 4H would have trouble with their Kickstarter, so it’s good to know a KS vet will be advising them.
@Yakkotank – Everything I’ve discussed with them so far tells me they’re serious about this and I think the project’s going to surprise some people. There are some incredible rewards planned.
I’m looking forward to seeing these! I foresee yet another Kickstarter drain on my funds…
Awesome! I really appreciated your level of interaction on the Transforming Collections project, so I’m sure you can make a great impact on the Ravens project too! I’m hoping that we get to see some production photos and progress reports as the project progresses. That’s really my favorite part of Kickstarter. It helps to make the backers be a part of the process.
@Richard – Especially when you see all of the plans.
@Paul – Thanks, Paul. I know there are plans to post updates as the project goes along; I hope they can even get pics from the factory during the manufacturing process.
The is really great news! I love the Horsemen and their work, but I don’t think I’ve EVER seen them hit a deadline, and they are HORRIBLE at everything on the internet (their forum has been shut down for 6 months, their store is a nightmare, their website only recently became remotely tolerable, etc. etc. etc.). They really really really really could use some help on this, and I absolutely trust Phil to get the job done!
@Matt – Thanks for the vote of confidence, Matt, but I feel it’s important to note that Kickstarter projects often miss their deadlines. Especially successful projects . . . and I hope this is a very successful project! I’ll help as best I can.
You rock Phil!!
That’s a pretty smart move on their part….after seeing your kickstarters and reading your posts on your thoughts on kickstarter they will be in VERY good hands…congrats.
Be sure to also get some Power Lords photos too. We need more pics of those out there as well.
@Izdawiz – Thanks!
@Bill Murphy – I’ll do my best. But the Four Horsemen have sunk a lot of effort into their plans and I think that what they’ve got in mind would work great even if I did nothing more than review the plan and say “go for it!” They’ve been more active in preparing for this Kickstarter project than anyone realizes.
@Mindless-Focus – Anything they allow I’ll snap!