Wal-Mart Struggling to Sell Green Lantern Toys?

I knew the Green Lantern movie and toys were a failure, but I hadn’t realized that it was so bad that Wal-Mart was trying to give away greeting cards in an attempt to snag mom and grandma sales.

Spotted at an endcap near the toothbrush/paste/dental care section of the store.

8 thoughts on “Wal-Mart Struggling to Sell Green Lantern Toys?

  1. There just wasn’t any good gimmicks with the figures, they were boring. Look at the captain America toys they gave one of them a damn functioning parachute a kid would actually play with that, but the gl toys got green attachments.

  2. I’ve noticed Target wisely only had a small section of them. Walmart though is inundated with them (ditto for the Transformers toys) and they never seem to shift… So I’m saddened but not really surprised to see this.

  3. Man, who would’ve thought that poorly designed, poorly sculpted, poorly articulated, poorly painted, overpriced toys wouldn’t sell?

    When Infinite Heroes flopped, you’d think SOMEONE would’ve looked at, say, Marvel Universe and asked “what are they doing right?”, instead of “IF WE KEEP MAKING THEM KIDS WILL BUY THEM EVENTUALLY”.

  4. I should visit some of the other Wal-Marts around here and see if all of the stores are as overwhelmed with Green Lantern toys as that one was.

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