Want some Zombie Blood?

Feeling thirsty right now? How about a little rundown and in need of some energy? Well, maybe you need a shot of Zombie Blood. This new caffeinated energy drink isn’t anything I would ever drink, but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating the stupidity and marketing muscle that had to come together for the product to become a reality.

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“Of course, we did make sure this blood is filtered so you won’t be getting any mutagens or viruses or anything else that might turn you into the walking dead. All you’ll get is energy, great taste, and stares from passers by. Because that’s the best part of enjoying a Zombie Blood Caffeinated Energy Potion – the gawking from onlookers. Time to guzzle some Zombie Juice!”

This has gotta be one for the “weirdly entertaining” book.

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