Wanted: “Hasbro History” Kreons

With the release of G.I. Joe, and upcoming release of Star Trek, Hasbro’s Kre-O toys (Amazon.com search*) continue to follow the Lego Minifig approach to capturing collectors’ hearts with the fantastic Kreon figures. And way back in my Transformers Kreons review (review here) I begged Hasbro to blind bag the Kreon toys.
Now I have another request.
“Hasbro History” Kreons?
Hasbro has a deep history of properties and I think it’s time the company releases a special wave of blind bag Kreons that embraces that history. With their UNIT:E comic a few years ago (at hasbro.com) the company showed us that they want to bring some of those old properties back. As the description at the Hasbro site tells us:
UNIT:E plays within this imagined scenario, examining Micronauts, Jem and the Holograms, Candy Land, Stretch Armstrong, Battleship: Galaxies, Action Man, and M.A.S.K among others.
By releasing a wave of 24 or 36 blind bag Kreons that draw characters from across all of Hasbro’s properties — and making Transformers and G.I. Joe characters the ultra rares — the company could keep characters from the past on store shelves today. That protects trademarks, helps introduce those characters and brands to a new audience, and rewards long-time Hasbro customers with Kreon versions of some old friends.
So Many Characters!
Just imagine Kreon versions of Jem, Baron Karza, Stretch Armstrong, several Dungeons & Dragons monsters, Miles Mayhem, and Monopoly’s “Uncle Moneybags” all hidden inside a wave of Kreons right beside an armored Cobra Commander and a Windcharger or Seaspray. I know I would go crazy for such a line of toys . . . and I’m sure I’m not alone.

This Must Happen!
A wave of Kreons designed around Hasbro’s library of properties — hell, even go ahead and call it UNIT:E to help that idea along — would be a blast to see happen and to collect. And at the low $3/each price I suspect a lot of fans would try to chase down the complete run, and there are sure to be some characters in there that appeal to Lego Minifig fans who haven’t yet given the Kre-O toys (Amazon.com search*) a chance.
And since the figures are so small and inexpensive to produce — relative to toys like 6-inch scale action figures and vehicles — Hasbro’s risk in such a line would be minimal. And the rewards far worth the risk, since keeping those old trademarks protected is vital to Hasbro’s attempts to grow beyond a toy company into an entertainment producer.
My fingers are crossed!
Maybe I’m just a LEGO purist, but I just dont get the appeal of the Kreons. And this is coming from a guy who has been a lifelong fan of the licenses that they are producing sets for.
That’s a really cool idea. Takara did the same thing a few years ago with the MyClone line of micro figures, which – similarly – featured their big hitter characters in minifigure form.
@Jon – Lego snob! 🙂 For me, the character designs are just too cute. And from what I have seen online Hasbro is including more accessories in their blind bag figures than Lego includes in the blind bag minifigs.
@Iok – I’m wondering when Mattel will get in on the minifig action.
I’ve never been interested in Lego minifigures before but I think if Hasbro started putting out Kreons from old lines that I haven’t seen on store shelves in decades then they’d have me hooked.
@T-Rav – I hope Hasbro is listening to you!
Do clear ones… and I get interested.