Wanted: More Adventure Sets for Masters of the Universe Classics

For reasons I cannot explain, I just can’t get yesterday’s post on adventure sets for the Masters of the Universe Classics series (Amazon.com search*) out of my mind. The idea — presented here — feels to me like such a perfect fit that I keep having more ideas for sets. Well, I’ll dump these here and maybe then I’ll be able to concentrate on more important things (like finishing Transforming Collections and planning my next book project).
The idea was that accessory sets would be packaged and promoted as self-contained scenarios that kids could reenact at home. The enclosed comic booklet provided an example storyline.
— GI Joe: The Complete Story of America’s Favorite Man of Action*
Struggle for the Throne of Power
In a forgotten castle stands an ancient throne, a throne in which — it is rumored — resides the powers of a long-dead necromancer. He-Man and Skeletor race to seize control of this artifact in Struggle for the Throne of Power, an adventure set that includes the throne, the corpse of the necromancer, and an assortment of snakes, spiders, and scorpions to dress the scene.
The Marvel Select Mephisto* action figure may make a great throne for Skeletor (see this post at poeghostal.com), but it just isn’t the same as if Mattel produced an official throne.
The included mini-comic sets the scene, with the dragon Granamyr — in two separate scenes — telling both He-Man and Skeletor of the throne’s location and fabled powers. The book ends, and our adventure begins, as the two both approach the throne from opposite doorways. Only one can claim the throne’s power!

Chariot of the Enslaved
When enemies are captured in the land of Eternia they are often put to death, but there are times when a foe must be held, either for ransom or torture, and in those times of need the Chariot of the Enslaved is put into service. Once you’re inside you cannot escape! This adventure set’s star is the wheeled dungeon, but it also includes the necessary chains and shackles so that you can trail a few others behind the rolling prison.
Inspired by an image in the Power and the Honor concept art book (reading post here), this set would bring us all one of the unproduced toys of the eighties. I’ll take two!
The included mini-comic shows this being used by the side of evil as Hordak and his troops capture and enslave Teela. Will He-Man and Ram Man be victorious in freeing Teela from the Chariot of the Enslaved?

Moaning Cry of the Mummy
A shadowy wagon rolls into the village as the sun sets, evil infiltrating the peaceful village and the Moaning Cry of the Mummy soon to terrorize the folk of the land. This adventure set includes a mummy action figure, a sarcophagus, one random villager (male or female), and the ancient book that must be read from to banish the mummy forever.
Another excuse to bring an old Masters of the Universe concept from the eighties to life — see the mummy concept art at eternian.com — this set is one I would choose over any of the others that I have imagined.
The included mini-comic tells us the story of the mummy being laid to rest thousands of years ago and then jumps to the present time where we watch as the evil forces of the Horde awaken the mummy. Now it’s time for She-Ra to step in and save the villagers before the mummy murders them all.

I’m Ready to Shop, Mattel!
Any of the ideas presented here, or in yesterday’s post, would get my money. Hell, I’d even go so far as to say I would subscribe for a year in which one of these sets was released each quarter at a $100 retail price. I’m probably in the minority in wanting playset-like adventuring packs for the Masters of the Universe Classics series (Amazon.com search*), but this really is the sort of idea that would work (minus the action figures) as a series of resin garage kits.
Any talented toy makers out there want to dive into a project?
Related articles
- Spotted Online – Masters of the Universe Classics Netossa Review at The Fwoosh (battlegrip.com)
- Affiliate Link – Masters of the Universe Skeletor Pop! Vinyl Figure (battlegrip.com)
- Interview > Rudy Obrero, Artist for Masters of the Universe & More (poeghostal.com)
Oh man, I love this idea. I was so attracted to those kinds of sets as a kid even though I never had a GI Joe figure. I never had the GI Joe stuff, but the old fisher price adventure people sets had a similar vibe if not exactly what you are laying out here.
I don’t do resin garage kits, but the scenarios and settings sound like fun things for me to do in a MOTUC feature some time.
@Matt K – Okay, if all that comes out of these posts is inspiring you to shoot a cool sequence then I’ve won!