Transformers Warbot Defender Photos, Video Review, and Out of Stock
And this is what happens when you don’t have enough time to look at everything in the world. The Warbot Defender, from FansProject, is already out of stock over at TFSource, but that’s probably for the best since it looks so damned awesome.
The review makes it sound kinda fragile, but very fun. This redesigned Springer looks better than the original, and at $80 actually wasn’t priced all that bad for a short-run Transformers toy with actual diecast metal parts.
If you have to get one of these, and I wish I hadn’t looked since now I’m tempted, he’s still available over at Big Bad Toy Store. I’m gonna resist, but I can’t promise that I won’t stumble across this toy again in the future and have to snag one.

For several photos of the toy, including the original pre-order shots, check the following slideshow. Very impressive for a third-party, unofficial Transformers toy. Anyone out there have this guy?