Welcome to Transformers Week!

Search for Transformers toys at Past Generation Toys!

It’s time for the new Transformers movie, Revenge of the Fallen, which means that it’s time for Transformers Week here at battlegrip.com! But the Transformers are too big for a single website so this time around you’re going to want to hit another website — Articulated Discussion — for more Transformers excitement.

And what excitement there is, people. We’ve got comment contests for this week — leave a comment on a Transformers toy review here this week and win a prize from Articulated Discussion. And if that’s not good enough for you then you can leave a comment on a Transformers review at Articulated Discussion this week and win a prize (a free Transformers toy) from battlegrip.com. (You can find a useful, more detailed breakdown of the specifics over at Articulated Discussion.)

Plus, there will be non-review posts and even a sponsor here at battlegrip.com for Transformers Week. Thank you, Past Generation Toys for sponsoring this fun week at battlegrip.com. Please make sure to hit Past Generation Toys and show them how much we appreciate their support.

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