What Do You Like About battlegrip.com?

Choose something. One thing. What is it that you like about the site and what I’ve been doing? Reviews? News? The occasional reading post? Or maybe you just love that anything toy or art-related could pop up here.

21 thoughts on “What Do You Like About battlegrip.com?

  1. Long time reader, First time comment….I enjoy the frequency of your updates and the wide variety of topics and toys, you’ve opened my eyes to a few new upcoming or existing lines, and tipped us off to a few sales as well that was cool. thanks for the good times

  2. I’d have to say the news–I learn about more oddball and cool things here, that I otherwise would never know about, than anywhere else.

  3. I agree w/ clark…the independent, odd-ball, bootleg, resin art, non-retail toys are what really catch my eye/interest. Your site is LOADED w/ this kind of great, sometimes unknown toys.

    Keep up the great work Phil!

  4. I particularly enjoy my responses. They’re so eloquent, well thought out and they typically contain a link to my favorite website out there, http://www.infinitehollywood.com! That’s mostly why I visit here, to see more excellent responses to your stuff from myself.

    Wait what?


    Actually I originally started coming here because you focused on 3 3/4 and there’s so few of us out there these days that I found this site a breath of fresh air. I came for the Joes, but I stayed for the Glyos and other stuff. You introduced me to a few really cool new things (I’m sending you a bill for my Berties!) and I generally think you do pretty spiffy stuff around here.

    Was I supposed to be listing one thing?

    Jesus, why you have to make it so difficult. I hate this place! All your rules.

    PS – Haven’t slept in over 24 hours, please disregard this post.

  5. the fact that you actually respond to comments (one of my pet peeves on most blogs– when people are leaving comments show some gosh-darned gratitude for their views, you slack, lazy bloggers!!!)

  6. @GuitarDevil – Welcome to the site, man! I hope you’ll comment on some other posts, and I’ll try to keep the posts coming. The last few weeks have been insane — February is down on posts — but things are getting back to normal.

  7. The variety is cool, and your reviews are quite good. If I had to pick one thing, it’d be the quality of the reviews. That and the variety, but that’s two things.

    What I DON’T like is the lack of vinyl. 😛 Although, to be fair, I’d love to see your take on more 1/6 stuff, but I understand that’s pretty pricey.

  8. Er… if I could edit, I would. What I meant was, I don’t like the lack of vinyl stuff because I really think if you go out and pick up a few pieces, you are going to love them. They have the creative and hand-made feel of resin stuff (even if I’m not a fan of most of the resin stuff you like), but far more durable and playable, and usually much better finished. Not to say all resin is bad, because a couple of guys do great stuff, but at the same time, I think guys like Uh-Oh would totally start making vinyl toys if they could.

  9. @Ben – You may get your wish. In the last 48 hours two different people have told me they were mailing me Japanese vinyl toys. Mean, mean people who I’ll make pay! I will make them pay!

    I’ve thought a few times that I should run a week of nothing but 12-inch action figures.

    And thank you for the comments on reviews. I try to be as honest as possible — and fair — but there are days I feel my reviews are more opinion than they are serious, deep overviews of the toys.

  10. @Monsterforge – I love commenting on the comments. The main reason I post anything here is for the communication with everyone else; my favorite posts are the ones where a lot of people get involved in the comments section.

  11. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with opinions in reviews… quite the contrary. Once you’ve gotten the basic ‘this toy is or is not defective’ stuff of an objective review out of the way, I’m curious to know what YOU, the guy who bought it think. That’s part of the fun with stuff like your Iron Man or Glyos reviews… you might look at something a completely different way than I do.

  12. Ok lets see…. 1 thing huh? yourhonestreviewsofcoolandsometimesitemsIwouldnthaveseenorknownfromanywhereelseandyourreviewshelpmedeterminweathertobuythingsbecauseyouaresomewhatlikemewithtastealsotheamountoftimesyouupdateyoursiteandrespondbacktocommentswemake. Ok well I made a few things into 1 long thing.. hehehe. Keep up the good work Phil I really enjoy coming here

  13. @Smack6102 – Wow, that’s a lot of words without any spaces at all. But thank you; the reviews are still fun. Over 150 or so on the site so far.

  14. @Ben – I’ll definitely keep the opinions in the reviews. I just want to make sure I don’t forget to point out the specifics. And I wish I had time to take more photos for each review.

  15. If I could list one more thing I like about Battlegrip I’d mention the fact that you rubbed the 3A exec the wrong way. That was an awesome day, man. 🙂

  16. I’m more of a traditional action figure collector, so I like those reviews; but I don’t always get to see neat weird stuff, so you can do those too. Ah, you’re doing a good job, so keep mixing it up.

  17. Reviews, though the offbeat toy news is also a highlight.

    But the reviews on this site have a way of highlighting the specific aspects of the toy without forcing it into a cookie-cutter format, while still covering the sculpt, articulation, etc…

  18. @PresidentJuggernaut – Thanks! I try to have fun with the reviews, but I’m often torn over how much “opinion” to toss in. It’s sounding like commentary about the toy, even if it’s a bit rambling at times, works for a few of you. That’s good for me, since I love to ramble.

  19. Really, the great reviews as has been said before. For me though it’s the variety, you guys look at an incredible range of things which is cool plus rockin pictures.

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