What Was the Best New Masters of the Universe Classics Action Figure Revealed at San Diego Comic Con?
While I never had much time at the Mattel booth, and only glimpsed the Masters of the Universe Classics display at the show, I can say that after reviewing various posts online
- The Fwoosh: SDCC 2012 – Preview Night Masters of the Universe
- Action Figure Pics: SDCC 2012: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia – At Last, Jitsu!
- Poe Ghostal: Poe’s Point > Thoughts on the MOTUC Reveals
I am confident when I say that one action figure was clearly the best new Masters of the Universe Classics action figure revealed at the show.
Castle Grayskullman
It’s as if Castle Grayskull was miniaturized and brought to life, and as weird as the concept is the execution makes this my absolute favorite new Masters of the Universe Classics figure revealed at the show. The below image — see ActionFigurePics for the full shot — shows just how incredible the design is. From the boots and hands to the terrifying head everything about this piece just screams Grayskull! as us as we stare at the toy. And that weird face — the almost snake-like mouth — makes this one scary design that I’ll certainly be going after.

In his post on the revealed action figures, Poe Ghostal describes Castle Grayskullman as something:
. . . which looks like it was conceived by a Nazgûl and a stone tower and borne by a banshee.
No arguments from me. And while I know there are some out there who seriously dislike the look of Castle Grayskullman all I can think when I read complaints about the toy is: “Maybe I won’t have a tough time ordering this guy.” I love that not everyone is a fan of every single figure in the line and it makes me very happy when I design I like this much is one that I may actually have a chance at getting without the need to spend a ton on eBay.
Yep, this is the best of the toys revealed. I’m looking forward to posing this guy with the classic Castle Grayskull playset.

Related articles
- Spotted Online – Masters of the Universe Classics Slush Head Review at It’s All True (battlegrip.com)
- Masters of the Universe Letter Opener an ActionFigureXPress SDCC Exclusive (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Poe Reviews The Mighty Spector (battlegrip.com)
With the stone shoulders, I absolutely LOVE this guy and will probably buy 2 (maybe more – and for someone who refuses to army/troop build or even buy repaints, that’s saying something). BUT if they go with the smooth shoulders as he was displayed on the floor, I might pass altogether as it just ruins the look and makes it look like some guy in Castle Grayskull cosplay. What a difference shoulders can make, eh? lol
That said, this guy was actually my second favorite reveal. I know I’m in the vast minority here, but I loved King He-Man and his weathered and dinged up 200x power sword. Nice to really see the mythology moving forward.
All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by all the reveals and am actually tempted to sub this year for the first time.
I really like this guy! I wasn’t sure at first(partially biased by my own unsubmitted design that was a similar idea executed differently) but I warmed up to him quickly.
I could say that the only valid complaint is that this original character uses an existing MOTU concept, but I personally feel that makes it a VERY smart submission.
1) It’s hard to fans to argue that it “doesn’t look like MOTU” which is the common complaint for new figures. He’s automatically invincible from that.
2) When you’re flipping through hundreds or thousands of designs to choose from, you’re going to notice this one that utilizes such an iconic piece of MOTU. Whether that was part of the plan or not, Daniel played the game well and I feel he earned a win by having a cool spooky looking design that stuck with judges after being noticed and seems to be striking a chord with many fans as well.
3) I’ve noticed that this crazy looking dude with iconic elements has been especially well received outside of the hardcore MOTU crowd(although the majority of them seem on board as well) I like that. It’s something strange and new but also so very familiar to every kid of the 80s.
Love the figure, hate hate HATE the name. Fearless Photog, Spector, even Laser-Lot have better names. We know it’s Castle Grayskull personified. Now give it its own identity.