Why Link to Other Sites?

One of the things I often try to do here at battlegrip.com is point out interesting things — especially reviews! — at other sites and blogs. I’ve been doing this since the beginning of the site over four years ago, and I recently realized that the entire reason for the “Spotted Online” posts here is something I should probably explain so that we’re all on the same page.
We Can’t Visit Every Site

Let’s face it, the web is massive and even the toy collecting world has more sites and blogs out there than any one of us can ever hope to follow regularly. Almost every hour of every day — and every moment of every day once we start watching forums — there’s new content going online that will interest many of us. News, reviews, well-crafted editorials, artwork, and more than I can imagine keeps appearing regularly and faster than I can absorb it. But while I cannot consume everything that appears online I can help you guys by directing you to some of the cooler stuff that I see online when I’m out surfing the web.
Commenting As I Go
And as I post various “Spotted Online” entries here at battlegrip.com I like to add my own commentary to the world, introducing either agreement, expressing amazement, or (sometimes) disagreeing with the linked to post. It doesn’t add a lot to the conversation, I know, but a benefit to running a website is that I have my own platform to say whatever I feel like saying. It’s my own little corner of the web and I’m gonna use it.
Encouraging Others

I know how much work it is to add reviews and thoughts to the web, and I also know how frustrating it can sometimes be to put together a post — packed with thoughts and photos — and then very few people actually visit the post (and fewer still comment). So by posting “Spotted Online” entries I like to think that not only am I directing all of you at something I think you’ll enjoy but I am also helping the author of the post get a little more recognition for their work. It’s not as if running a site about toys can be a career or support someone, so by running my “Spotted Online” posts I hope that I’m at least providing a little encouragement to the bloggers and site owners out there.
What Are Your Thoughts?
Are the “Spotted Online” posts here at battlegrip.com something you enjoy? Am I helping you find stuff online you may have missed, or am I directing you to sites you already follow and posts you’ve already read? And if I’ve linked to one of your posts in the past did you find my link helpful (or encouraging) in any way?
Please leave a comment and let us know what you think about my “Spotted Online” posts.
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Great article Philip. I totally agree, that the web is huge, and even if you only are interested in small part such as toy collecting, it is more than one person can follow. So pointing out articles, reviews, etc. from one site so others can appreciate it too, is a great thing. Linking to other content is important to everyone, the author, the reader and the person linking to it. It is also a sign of respect.
Since you update fairly regularly, I follow your blog the most. So when you point out something I’m interested in on another site, I’ll usually go there. But I also don’t have time to visit dozens of sites everyday 🙂 So your links are appreciated!
YES I love your ‘Spotted Online’ posts because there IS just so much out there, I try to spot and plug as much as I can too, and your posts help me immensely! Keep it up! I know it’s super time consuming. But as with any passion, that’s why we love it! 🙂
I’ve followed matrixsynth for years. The tagline is everything synth and it’s a blog that reposts news, videos, eBay auctions and announcements. It comes admirably close to covering what’s new to people who create electronic music. One of the reasons that is possible is matrix does not express his interests super rarely you see a begrudging I like this. Find a format that works.
I end up at a lot of cool sites I probably wouldn’t have found without you pointing them out, so I think that aspect is working for you. And seeing as you and battlegrip are one of the major influences behind me starting my own review blog, it’s always awesome (and a bit humbling) to see one of my reviews linked to on the main page. So yeah, that is definitely inspiring.
I like the occasional articles with links to other sites, as it does help me to find new sites that I otherwise might never see & is a nice way to see when sites are having specials &/or contests (I won one contest via one of your links, actually).
I do hope, though, that you plan to put a column on the side with a static set of links like before. Not trying to kiss up or anything, but I go to your site first & use it as a springboard when surfing around, using the links that you had listed to go to my other regular haunts.
@Jason – You’re right and I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but sharing a link to a site is a sign of respect. Now I feel all special.
@Jonny – Glad you’re getting use out of the links and it’s humbling to hear my site makes your cut. I try to keep a variety of fun posts up every day and hope to do better this year. Be sure to shout if you ever see something on line you think I should share here.
@Jake – Thank you for sharing links to battlegrip.com on Twitter!
@Openchallenge – I wish I had more time to work with Garage Band on the iPad and actually gain some skill with it. But it’s a very fun toy and the last thing I should do is start seeking out info on music! But now I’m tempted to go look at the site . . .
@Black Zarak – I’ll have to get myself a t-shirt now that says “Inspirational.” Thank you!
@Jay – I hadn’t even noticed that the list of links vanished when I updated the site theme. Thanks for pointing it out; fixed! I’ve actually been slowly tweaking the list lately and I want to add one for manufacturers.
Your links are very much appreciated, Phil!
@The Daytime Ninja – Good to hear! Do you happen to know if links from here have any real affect on your traffic?