Why the Amazon Links?

I had an e-mail this morning that asked why there are links to Amazon sprinkled across the site. These links actually do generate a little cash, and that has led to me buying some stuff that has found its way onto the site for review. It’s not a huge amount of money — I certainly couldn’t live off of it — but it’s enough that one or two times a month I get a toy or book.

See that block, above? Of course you do, since there’s no way you can miss it. In an attempt to get a little more Amazon bucks I’m gonna start dropping blocks like that into some of the older toy reviews that get a lot of traffic. Reviews will continue to be posted exactly as I’ve posted them before, but after a few weeks or a month I’ll slap an appropriate Amazon search block in there.

This way you guys who follow the site can read the new reviews effectively “ad free,” while going back to read older reviews will reveal some advertising. I don’t know if this is gonna work or not, but it’s something I want to try. And besides, if I do wind up with more in my Amazon account then I’ll take chances on some larger toys that I otherwise would have avoided.

And the more mass market toys I can get through Amazon using this system the more actual cash I’ll have for resin toys and indie designer toys.

I guess we’ll see how it works.