World War Robot NOM Commanders Set on eBay
I’m starting to clear out some toys, and the first on the chopping block is the 12-inch scale World War Robot* NOM Commanders set. I was excited about these toys when I ordered them, but when they finally arrived I just never had time to properly open them and play with them so I left them boxed.

That means that the photos in the eBay listing I’ve posted shows as far as I’ve gotten to opening the toys. Rather than let the box sit here and collect dust I’m selling the set and have the starting bid at $125; well under the $300 to $400 I’m seeing the set selling for these days.
Hopefully someone who will truly love these action figures will get them and have more fun with them then I ever would.
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I love how you don’t even bother trying to hide your identity on Ebay 🙂
@Jason Martian – I’ve just never seen much point in trying to hide my identity online. I figure if anyone really wanted to find out who is who they can track down the info. Even my XBox Live account uses my real name.