X-Transbots Go-Bots Homages up for Pre-order at BBTS

Teased last year (Road Ranger posted here, Turbo posted here), Big Bad Toy Store is now offering pre-orders on the X-Transbots homages to classic eighties Go-Bots toys. I feel this is a really smart twist for the third party Transformers scene because using tooling to expand out into other libraries of characters gives collectors more color choices and manufacturers ways to get more use out of molds.

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This is the first time Hoss (Road Ranger) has been offered, so BBTS has both a single offering and a two-pack with Sonic. The Sonic is scheduled for June release, and Hoss in July, so which was you order these depends entirely on your level of patience and whether or not you already pre-ordered Sonic when he was offered with their not-Wheelie toy.

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