You Know What I Like Best About the Reviews at The Dork Dimension?

It’s gotta be the group shots that Nate posts with each review. For example, his recent review of Batman Brave and the Bold Batman and Element Man included this excellent group shot:

Click to visit The Dork Dimension.
Click to visit The Dork Dimension.

It’s shots like this that remind me that I should concentrate a little more on the photos with my reviews. With all of the travel and office stress lately I haven’t been giving my photos the attention they deserve. Well, at least Nate’s giving us some cool pics to enjoy.

4 thoughts on “You Know What I Like Best About the Reviews at The Dork Dimension?

  1. I’m with Phillip here, great work on the shots. I loathe digging out toys to place in group shots, and usually just end up using whatever is around, whether it really belongs or not.

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