You Know What I Love About this Site?

The absolute best part about running is that as the site grows people start to bring toys to me. No, not in the “here are some free toys” sense (though I’m always open to accepting free toys) but, rather, in the sense that comments to the site often lead me to new things.

Take for instance the recent Marvel Universe Handful of Heroes review. In that review Ben, of Prometheus Rising, left a comment so I clicked over to his site where I found this post about the Wombat Toys Junker V.

Click to visit Prometheus Rising.
Click to visit Prometheus Rising.

Well, the toy looked neat enough that I just had to poke at the web a little, which led me to this thread at I’m not likely to own one of these (never forget the danger that buying one cool toy in a series often leads down a path of madness) but it was nice to get a look at this guy.

If the site keeps collecting comments from readers with cool sites then I’ll never get anything done because I’ll be too busy surfing the web and following down leads.